Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Be a Leader; Not a Follower

Here are steps you can take daily to be a leader and not a follower:

Have the courage to be wrong.
Most of us make excuses for our mistakes as opposed to just saying we didn’t know or don’t possess the expertise we need to perform at optimal levels. What you will be rewarded with is knowledge and skill when you admit you were wrong.

Have the courage to be secure in your knowledge.
When asked a question speak your mind and understanding, this behavior will encourage your supervisors to either enhance your knowledge base or correct it.
Have the courage to follow the company rules and not to try and bend them for your own use. Some folk think that rules are made to be broken or don’t apply to them. We should never be surprised by less than optimal outcomes that affect us personally when we fail to follow the rules.

When a disagreement happens, look to yourself first and find the blame there as opposed to focusing on others. Remember when you point a finger at someone there are four pointing back at you.

Have the courage to correct your peers who prevent you from performing the best. Why follow behind someone who is dishonest or headed for disaster?

Leaders have original thought and have the courage of their convictions. Leaders strive to make their environment and yours better. Leaders have a VISION for a better tomorrow. Leaders take their BIG PERSON pill daily so that they respond to the challenges of life and make them opportunities. You have the choice daily to be a leader and not a follower.

Be a Leader; Not a Follower

Here are steps you can take daily to be a leader and not a follower:

Have the courage to be wrong.
Most of us make excuses for our mistakes as opposed to just saying we didn’t know or don’t possess the expertise we need to perform at optimal levels. What you will be rewarded with is knowledge and skill when you admit you were wrong.

Have the courage to be secure in your knowledge.
When asked a question speak your mind and understanding, this behavior will encourage your supervisors to either enhance your knowledge base or correct it.
Have the courage to follow the company rules and not to try and bend them for your own use. Some folk think that rules are made to be broken or don’t apply to them. We should never be surprised by less than optimal outcomes that affect us personally when we fail to follow the rules.

When a disagreement happens, look to yourself first and find the blame there as opposed to focusing on others. Remember when you point a finger at someone there are four pointing back at you.

Have the courage to correct your peers who prevent you from performing the best. Why follow behind someone who is dishonest or headed for disaster?

Leaders have original thought and have the courage of their convictions. Leaders strive to make their environment and yours better. Leaders have a VISION for a better tomorrow. Leaders take their BIG PERSON pill daily so that they respond to the challenges of life and make them opportunities. You have the choice daily to be a leader and not a follower.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What is magnified in your life

What are you committed to? Though leaders indicate that you can tell what a person is committed to by looking at what is magnified in their life. For instance:

If a person is committed to making money they will have money.
If a person is committed to eating they will be over weight.
If a person is committed to doing drugs that is what will consume them on a daily basis.
If a person is committed to excellence they are content knowing they have done the best they can daily.
If a person is committed to mediocrity they will always have an excuse.
If a person is committed to entitlement then they will always have an excuse why less than optimal outcomes are never their problem.
If you are committed to change then you are a change agent.
If you are committed to looking for the best in people then that is what you will find.
If you are committed to procrastination then your life will always be what it could have been.
Look at what is magnified in your life and you will know what you are committed to.

Have a GREAT committed day!

Monday Morning Quarterbacks

Do you know what an opportunity looks like? Many people are able to recognize an opportunity after it’s already passed them by …but seeing opportunities coming, that a different matter and WINNERS have this ability. When Columbus came back from his journeys and proved that the world was indeed round and not flat, everyone had something to say about how they would have done it differently. His answer was simply, where were you when I needed financial support and people to help me sail the open seas? Anyone can be a Monday morning quarterback; it takes the rare person to be Columbus, Rosa Parks, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Hilliary Clinton or a DREAM MAKER!

Opportunities are seldom labeled. That’s why you have to learn what they look like and how to seize them. The best people make it their responsibility to go out and find them. Walter Chrysler said, “The reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf clovers”.

Let’s all be on the porch and meet Opportunity Before It Knocks! Have a GREAT DAY finding opportunities!