Tuesday, October 7, 2008

You have a Gold Mine inside of you! It’s called potential. Our potential is probably our greatest untapped resource. Many people busy themselves with tasks as opposed to reaching in finding their true calling and therefore their real potential. If you begin today to concentrate on ONE MAIN GOAL and continue to improve to meeting that goal then you will find JOY today. Reaching your true potential is like finding the missing compass in your life—you TRUE NORTH! Don’t settle for just leaving; spend some quite time with yourself to discover and reach to attain your potential. It just takes a minute; it just takes your deciding that today is the day you discover and actualize your potential.

Monday, October 6, 2008

History Was Made

Well history was established last night. An African American accepted the Presidential nomination of a major political party. This is a remarkable event and I sincerely hope each of you and your children were a part of it. Regardless of whether you a Republican, Democrat or Independent; whether you are male of female or whether you are an African American, an American of Hispanic origin or white, this was a historic event and a historic day.

We should all celebrate because less than 265 years since the abolishment of slavery and 45 years to the date of the “I have a DREAM speech” by Martin Luther King, this country put forth the nomination of the most qualified candidate to represent the Democrat party to become the President of the United States and leader of the free world. He is a senator, he is a lawyer, he is a husband, he is a father, he is of mixed racial parentage and in the US is classified by the US census bureau as an African American. We should all be proud to be Americans today and God Bless You and God Bless the UNITED States of America!

Tapes Playing In Your Head

Have you noticed that people are FIRST influence by what they see? This is a human trait and is probably a good protective mechanism and a hold over from our old brain. People’s first impressions are always on what they see which is why both Hilliary Clinton and Barack Obama have had the challenges they have had in their current pursuits. Folk are not used to SEEING either women or African Americans in positions of power.

We also influence our children in the same way. If you have children, then you’ve probably observed this. No matter what you tell your children to do, their natural inclination is to follow what they see you doing. Do you ever wonder why you have some of the negative or positive “tapes” running in your head? Some of those tapes and memories are things your parents gave you – “respect your elders”; “don’t trust strangers”, “Go to work everyday not matter how sick you may feel”; “See how you can get over on people”; “Save your money”; “Live on credit”. At some point we should all evaluate the tapes we have running that prevent us from critically evaluating every person and situation on its own merits. This is the process of maturation and will create “new tapes” that we can call our own. Critical thinking skills are necessary building blocks for success.


Have you given some thought to what YOUR LEGACY will be? How will you be remembered? Will people say you struggled all your life or will they say although you seemed to struggle you always had hope in your soul and a vision for the future? Will they say you had money or will they say you used your money to assist others who were less fortunate? Will people say that what they remember most of you were that you always complained or that you were a change agent to improve processes and outcomes? People of vision leave a LEGACY that outlives them. Each of us has the seeds of hope for a better tomorrow if we would allow them to germinate and grow—in fact my belief is that we actively have to stop these seeds from growing because our natural essence is to be positive people of vision. Take some time to think and plan your legacy and contribution to yourself, your family and the greater society. Don’t give in to the negativism that will prevent your legacy from coming forward. You were not put on the earth just to work and pay bills-you are here because you have something meaningful to contribute!

Face Your Flaws

Keeping on the theme of realizing your potential, one of the critical steps you have to take to reach your potential is to FACE YOUR FLAWS. We all have them and the quicker you are to realize them, the quicker you will be able to reach your potential. To face your flaws, follow these simple steps:

See yourself clearly. One of the things I used to do is to wear long sleeved garments because I have fat arms. It dawned on me that I would have fat arms no matter if I hid them or not. If I didn’t want fat arms then I had to do something about it—hiding my arms won’t make them thin or sculpted.
Admit your flaws honestly. When you make mistakes why spend time trying to explain why you made the mistake. Embrace your mistake and move on. Many of us continue to make the same mistakes because instead of embracing our flaws we want to explain them away.
Discover your strengths joyfully. We all have strengths so embrace them and celebrate them. Don’t be shy about your strengths; Lord knows we will all point out your weaknesses so if you are the only person celebrating your strengths, then do so with gusto!
Build upon your strengths passionately and daily. You can reach your potential tomorrow if you dedicate yourself to growth today.

To change our world you have to first change yourself. If you are not interested in changing the world then you will be changed by the world. CHANGE is inevitable so get in front of it so that you are not caught in the vortex of the change itself.

Practice Prosperity

A wise man once said, truth and prosperity is like a gentle wind that will increase your life when practiced. Can you actually practice prosperity? The answer is yes! Most of us practice poverty by over spending but the opposite is also true. Take the first step in your journey to economic freedom and cut up those credit cards!