Friday, June 6, 2008

Crabs in a Basket

Here’s a thought. If you have ever gone crabbing on a shore line you already know this lesson. If you have only one crab in a basket you need to keep the lid on your basket to prevent the crab from crawling out. When there are several crabs in that basket the lid is not necessary because the crabs will drag one another down so that none of them can get away.

A lot of unsuccessful people act the same way. They’ll do things to keep others from getting ahead. They spread false rumors, they are busier pointing out your failures as opposed to your successes, they will not allow you to stand on their shoulders because they are convinced that you will never help them when given a chance. Crabs truly do not understand that a RISING TIDE LIFTS ALL BOATS!

The good news is that if you observe someone trying to be a CRAB you don’t have to buy into their belief system. You can get out of the “basket” by refusing to be a CRAB. Be the COFFEE BEANS that you are and have a great day and great weekend.

Don't take kindness for weakness

Good Morning Team and What a Glorious Morning It Is! Remember that Winners have Intelligence, Integrity, Maturity, Consistency, Character, Persistence, HOPE, a Belief in CHANGE and CHEESE!

There is a trait that I have struggled to obtain my entire life – HUMILITY which is defined by Wikipedia as a quality or characteristic ascribed to a person who is considered to be humble. A humble person is generally thought to be unpretentious and modest: someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others.

Now I have also found that while people say they like unpretentious and modest people, modest and unpretentious people are not rewarded or seen as leaders. Just remember all of the statements made about Senator Clinton or Senator Obama when folk thought they were “too humble”. Most often, they are taken advantage of.

What is it about human character that we take advantage of humble people; why is humility taken as a weakness? There in lies the lesson of why the human race is destined for failure. If more of us could value the virtues of the humble person and more humble people were in positions of leadership, the world would be a better place! I often embrace the concept of “don’t take kindness for weakness” and find that people often mistake kindness as a form of weakness and begin to test the limits of your kindness. That is so disappointing isn’t it? Disappointment notwithstanding, I continue to struggle with my quest for humility because every now and then my kindness is returned and this simple act energizes me. I think it would also energize you if you tried it.

Have a GREAT and humble day.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Historic Time

What a HISTORIC time we are living in!  No matter what is happening to you personally no one can ignore the historic day we experienced yesterday!  All Americans, collectively and individually can feel proud that they voted for a GREAT candidate and did not allow race or gender to dissuade them.  Whether you voted for Senator Obama, Senator Clinton or Senator McCain you voted which means you participated and exercised your constitutional right as an American. A lot of healing went on yesterday and it’s up to each one of us to carry on the good fight. The WORLD is watching and Americans can feel proud!  

How can anyone be upset or sad today having lived through HISTORY yesterday?  REJOICE and be the wonderful people you are. Be encouraged because even in the recession we are experiencing there is CHANGE in the wind!  You saw WINNERS yesterday! You saw folk who exemplify the characteristics of WINNERS. You saw many glass ceilings shatter yesterday which then allows us to hold on to hope no matter what we may personally be experiencing.

You are the reason good things happen! You are the reason to get up each morning!  You are the reason we will succeed!  

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Don't turn succeses into failures

We are all born with a limited amount of heart beats! We don’t usually have to think about our heart beating—it does its job everyday and is usually ignored until it lacks oxygen (angina) or begins to fail (congestive heart failure). I also believe that we are born with a limited amount of failures and successes. Yes I truly believe that the failures we will experience are finite -- that is unless you turn your success into failures.

Have you watched the French Tennis Open? I follow the William sisters and love their enthusiasm and raw power. I believe they start each game and have the game won. Then I begin to see them defeat themselves with un-forced errors. When you look at the statistics, it isn’t that their opponent was better, it is that each sister GAVE their opponents the points they need to win. In essence they defeat themselves.

I believe that this principle is operative in life. We awake each day with successes waiting to happen and then provide opportunities for failure because we didn’t follow through on the pathway to success. Our job each day is to follow the path to success. That could mean we 1) think before we act; 2) we strive to do it right the 1st time; 3) we help each other; 4) you speak a kind word; 5) you don’t think the worst of people; and 6) you don’t participate in idle gossip.

If you close the day out and don’t think it has been successful then review the day so that you don’t repeat those behaviors that send your successes into the failure column.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Self Development

Have you explored the difference between SELF FULFILLMENT and SELF DEVELOPMENT?  Beginning in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, people began talking about “finding themselves”.  Some of us who were growing up during that period were confused with this concept because we didn’t know we were lost!  Those folk who engaged and are engaging in the pursuit of “finding themselves”  are usually searching for a way to become self fulfilled. When you talk to them the conversation usually focuses on how they can achieve a state of happiness and feeling good. 

I think the pursuit of self development is a higher calling; it is the development of our potential so that we can fulfill the purpose for which we were created. No matter how it makes us feel, self-development always has one effect- it draws us toward our destiny!  

Will Smith’s movie probably should have been termed “The Pursuit of Self Development” instead of the “Pursuit of Happyness” as his character epitomized a person who was invested in his destiny through self-development.  His wife on the other hand epitomized the pursuit of self fulfillment. Both characters truly thought their idea was correct.  However, as the movie aptly demonstrated, because they could not align their disparate visions they were not able to pull together in their pursuits.  They were indeed unequally yoked!