Friday, June 6, 2008

Don't take kindness for weakness

Good Morning Team and What a Glorious Morning It Is! Remember that Winners have Intelligence, Integrity, Maturity, Consistency, Character, Persistence, HOPE, a Belief in CHANGE and CHEESE!

There is a trait that I have struggled to obtain my entire life – HUMILITY which is defined by Wikipedia as a quality or characteristic ascribed to a person who is considered to be humble. A humble person is generally thought to be unpretentious and modest: someone who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others.

Now I have also found that while people say they like unpretentious and modest people, modest and unpretentious people are not rewarded or seen as leaders. Just remember all of the statements made about Senator Clinton or Senator Obama when folk thought they were “too humble”. Most often, they are taken advantage of.

What is it about human character that we take advantage of humble people; why is humility taken as a weakness? There in lies the lesson of why the human race is destined for failure. If more of us could value the virtues of the humble person and more humble people were in positions of leadership, the world would be a better place! I often embrace the concept of “don’t take kindness for weakness” and find that people often mistake kindness as a form of weakness and begin to test the limits of your kindness. That is so disappointing isn’t it? Disappointment notwithstanding, I continue to struggle with my quest for humility because every now and then my kindness is returned and this simple act energizes me. I think it would also energize you if you tried it.

Have a GREAT and humble day.

1 comment:

two grasshoppers said...

excellent. What a refreshing post. Keep up the good work!!!