Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Historic Time

What a HISTORIC time we are living in!  No matter what is happening to you personally no one can ignore the historic day we experienced yesterday!  All Americans, collectively and individually can feel proud that they voted for a GREAT candidate and did not allow race or gender to dissuade them.  Whether you voted for Senator Obama, Senator Clinton or Senator McCain you voted which means you participated and exercised your constitutional right as an American. A lot of healing went on yesterday and it’s up to each one of us to carry on the good fight. The WORLD is watching and Americans can feel proud!  

How can anyone be upset or sad today having lived through HISTORY yesterday?  REJOICE and be the wonderful people you are. Be encouraged because even in the recession we are experiencing there is CHANGE in the wind!  You saw WINNERS yesterday! You saw folk who exemplify the characteristics of WINNERS. You saw many glass ceilings shatter yesterday which then allows us to hold on to hope no matter what we may personally be experiencing.

You are the reason good things happen! You are the reason to get up each morning!  You are the reason we will succeed!  

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