Monday, October 6, 2008

Face Your Flaws

Keeping on the theme of realizing your potential, one of the critical steps you have to take to reach your potential is to FACE YOUR FLAWS. We all have them and the quicker you are to realize them, the quicker you will be able to reach your potential. To face your flaws, follow these simple steps:

See yourself clearly. One of the things I used to do is to wear long sleeved garments because I have fat arms. It dawned on me that I would have fat arms no matter if I hid them or not. If I didn’t want fat arms then I had to do something about it—hiding my arms won’t make them thin or sculpted.
Admit your flaws honestly. When you make mistakes why spend time trying to explain why you made the mistake. Embrace your mistake and move on. Many of us continue to make the same mistakes because instead of embracing our flaws we want to explain them away.
Discover your strengths joyfully. We all have strengths so embrace them and celebrate them. Don’t be shy about your strengths; Lord knows we will all point out your weaknesses so if you are the only person celebrating your strengths, then do so with gusto!
Build upon your strengths passionately and daily. You can reach your potential tomorrow if you dedicate yourself to growth today.

To change our world you have to first change yourself. If you are not interested in changing the world then you will be changed by the world. CHANGE is inevitable so get in front of it so that you are not caught in the vortex of the change itself.

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