Monday, October 6, 2008


Have you given some thought to what YOUR LEGACY will be? How will you be remembered? Will people say you struggled all your life or will they say although you seemed to struggle you always had hope in your soul and a vision for the future? Will they say you had money or will they say you used your money to assist others who were less fortunate? Will people say that what they remember most of you were that you always complained or that you were a change agent to improve processes and outcomes? People of vision leave a LEGACY that outlives them. Each of us has the seeds of hope for a better tomorrow if we would allow them to germinate and grow—in fact my belief is that we actively have to stop these seeds from growing because our natural essence is to be positive people of vision. Take some time to think and plan your legacy and contribution to yourself, your family and the greater society. Don’t give in to the negativism that will prevent your legacy from coming forward. You were not put on the earth just to work and pay bills-you are here because you have something meaningful to contribute!

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