Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Healthy Identity

Here’s a question. Is your SELF ESTEEM tied to your identity? That is to ask, do you define yourself by how you feel about yourself or is your identity not affected by the roller coaster ride of SELF ESTEEM. Most of the time our self esteem is affected by:

how we look;
how much money we have;
how much success is heaped on us;
how old we are;
how much we are liked by others.

You see self esteem is SITUATIONAL but a healthy identity is not. You are who you are regardless of the trappings of self esteem so be your beautiful selves daily. Dig deep and regardless of circumstance believe in your gifts each day. Actually an exercise that helps me is to list at least 5 positive traits about myself monthly such as:

I am a person of beliefs and integrity;
I am an intelligent person;
I have a distinct and strong character;
I am consistence in my beliefs and behaviors.

Don’t be tossed by the trappings of self esteem. You are who you are today and you will be a better you tomorrow and you will never be the person you were yesterday ever again!

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