Monday, August 4, 2008

Price of Integrity

What price do you place on INTEGRITY? It has been my experience that INTEGRITY is the foundation upon which many other qualities are built, such as respect, dignity and trust. It’s critical to maintain integrity by taking care of the little things. What people forget is that decision makers often entrust others with BIG projects because they have been able to be counted on with little projects!

Ethical principles are not flexible. A little white lie is still a lie. Theft is theft, whether its $1.00 or $1,000 or $1,000,000. Theft is theft whether you steel time from your employer by not working when you are supposed to be working or having a friend clock you in or out. Integrity commits itself to character over personal gain, to people over material things, to service over power, to principle over convenience, to the long term over the immediate.

Keep in mind, a forest like Integrity, takes a long time to develop. It only takes a match to wipe it out.

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