Monday, July 28, 2008


Our influence has less to do with our position than with the life we live. It’s not about position but production. Not the education we get but the empowerment we give. It’s about your credibility and whether you can be the same person when you are experiencing success versus challenges.

Do you make decisions based on how the decision affects you or how the decision may affect others more positively than the decision affects you? Keep in mind always that a rising tide lefts all boats! If you are a giving person, your hand and heart are always open and ready to receive as well.

A lot of folk work harder on their own image than their integrity. Winners always emphasize the success of a process and everyone’s contribution to that success. If we spend our entire time try to promote our own self interests and “watching our backs” we will never see the opportunities ahead of us. Your success is guaranteed because you are a WINNER! Seize your opportunities today and BELIEVE in your HOPES and DREAMS and watch them come true.

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