Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Empty Vessel

A study of 105 Executive determined many of the characters of the Winners on their teams. Of all the characteristics the one most identified with Winners was the ability of Winners to admitted their mistakes and accept the consequences of their errors as opposed to trying to blame others. A person who is willing to take responsibility for their actions and be honest or “transparent” with their bosses or team mates is someone that the Executive admired, respected and trusted. The Executives also indicated that this type of employee is one that everyone can learn from.

When I was a 1st year Resident in Pediatrics, I very quickly learned to say “I don’t know, can you teach me?” Instead of faking it I just admitted that I didn’t know especially on July 1 when on June 30th I was just a medical student—you was I kidding by saying I knew something. I certainly had the capacity and background to learn quickly and because I was a sponge everyone, nurses, attending and patients, were willing to teach me. This is a lesson well learned by mean and I have carried it with me through life. It is a lesson I have tried to impart to my children and grandchildren.

If you are an empty vessel you have more of a capacity to be filled!

1 comment:

Dinosaur Mom said...

Except if you have holes in you and stuff. Or you've been carefully hollowed out and sealed shut. Sometimes an empty vessel is empty for a reason.