Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Humble and Teachable

Winners have two over-riding traits -— they are humble and teachable.

Humility is a quality or characteristic ascribed to a person who is considered to be unpretentious and modest. A person who does not think that he or she is better or more important than others regardless of what position they hold. Humility allows Winners to wear their success well and they are able to shore up their weaknesses because they are humble and take feedback. The need to be right or correct takes a lot of personal energy on a daily basis. This energy can be placed in moving yourself ahead as opposed to used to keep you in a defensive posture.

When you assume a teachable attitude, then you will find that people will bring you new information and skill sets that will assist you in your quest to be a winner. When you are humble then you are also approachable and you will find that more people put their shoulder to your wheel and will help you succeed. In Eastern philosophy you are using the energy that others bring to you to move your agenda. When you are in a defensive posture that energy you expend will be your own and will drain your energy bank. Make daily deposits to your energy and success bank by staying humble and teachable.

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