Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I ran across a quote that I found helpful and you might find it helpful too. The concept deals with the acronym HALT and perhaps you shouldn’t make a major decision or for a reaction to a problem or an offense when these conditions exist.

H – When you are Hungry you will be more vulnerable to conditions or issues that affect you personally. Researchers also indicate that you should never go grocery shopping when you are hungry for food as you will buy more food than necessary. Also remember that humans hunger for many things outside of food—we hunger for recognition, respect, fame and fortune. At any point that you are “hungry” you may be vulnerable.

A – When you are Angry you will be more prone to say or make decisions that have negative affects to you and others. Anger is an emotion that limits our ability to think clearly. Anger will lead all of us to be paranoid, which then leads us to read situations and the actions of other incorrectly.

L- If you are Lonely just recognize you will be more vulnerable to anyone that makes comments that stroke your ego but may not have long term positive affects for you. Elderly fall prey to marketing folk that make them feel wanted and then take all their life savings.

T – When you are Tired and worn down because of H – A- or L you may make decisions just to get rid of the burden of having to make a decision. This is probably not the day you want to make a decision that will affect you long term.

If you are in any of the states listed above, take a mental “walk” around the block to gain a better perspective. You don’t have to respond to being hungry, angry, lonely or tired by making quick, bad decisions that will affect your ability to be successful long term. Instead take care of those physical needs described above and TAKE CONTROL of your situation and rise above hunger, anger, loneliness and being tired.

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