Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Vision for your future

Do you feel dissatisfied? Do you feel discouraged? Self help books indicate that if you feel dissatisfied or discouraged it’s because YOU HAVE NOT GRASPED THE VISION FOR YOUR FUTURE!

A question you should ask yourself daily is “WHAT DESTINATION YOU ARE STRIVING FOR”. This question will focus you to consider what really matters to you. What do you cry about? What things make your heart sing? What do you dream about? Until you can ask and answer these questions, the level of introspection required to succeed will be absent and you will feel discouraged and dissatisfied. If you depend on others as a source of your happiness or your unhappiness then you are not in control and you will feel dissatisfied and discouraged.

Remember that on a daily basis, YOU make the decisions that either invest in your future success or keep you feeling discouraged or dissatisfied. I can tell you it’s easier not to change those things about yourself that keep you in a rut. You can continue to live an “IF ONLY” life; if only I had the right kind of boss; if only I had more money; if only I had a different position; if only I was appreciated more; if only, if only, if only!

You can also live an “I CAN DO BETTER” life by just doing better. You can embrace your current job and just do better. You can accept your boss and just do better. You can accept the money that you receive from your job and just do better. You can do better by internalizing your dreams and what matters to you. Trust me and just take the 1st step.

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